Monday, February 4, 2008


A NEW era in Childrens' Ministry was launched yesterday as CHAMPIONS CHURCH had it's first service! The children had been anticipating this day for weeks. The Champions Church Staff was there early getting everything ready. The only thing left was waiting until 12 PM to roll around so they could officially kick it off.

After it was all said and done, there wasn't a child there who didn't come out smiling. Aileen Gonzalez was so excited about CHAMPIONS CHURCH that she invited a friend of hers named Bryanna everyday for a whole week. Bryanna came because of the invitation of her friend and ended up liking it so good, the first thing she said to her mom was, "can we come back to CHAMPIONS CHURCH NEXT WEEK?"

If you have a child between the ages of 3-12 be sure to bring them every Sunday at 11:45 AM for CHAMPIONS CHURCH "warm-up!" We don't just want to raise up a generation of children who know and love Jesus with all of their heart, soul and strength, we want to raise up CHAMPIONS (WINNERS not losers, VICTORS not victims)! The next generation of leaders at Revial Center will be CHAMPIONS of the FAITH!

The future of Revival Center is looking real good...