I'd like for you to meet Tony Cannon. He was raised in church as a kid, but like some, he rebelled in his teenage years. He ended up hanging out with the wrong crowd and started skipping church to hang out with his "friends." He followed the path to drinking, smoking and eventually was introduced to crack cocaine in 2004. Since 2004, Tony's crack addiction has had him in and out of rehab, but never able to get complete victory until he walked through the doors of Revival Center.
After being backslidden (out of church) for 28 years and addicted to crack for 4 years, Tony called me Sunday morning, April 27th for directions. Tony's parents parents had not stopped praying everyday for their son's deliverance and Mom Cannon had given him my number to call because he desperately needed God. So, he called, got directions and showed up for our 11:30 AM pre-service Prayer time. Prayer time was energetic and passionate and the atmosphere was charged with excitement, anticipation, faith and expectation. I went back and introduced myself to Tony and he got straight to the point, telling me he had traded his car in that weekend for "one more hit" of crack, and spent his whole paycheck, had been a crack addict for 4 years, out of church since he was a teenager and needed God "today!" I looked at Tony and told him that he was at the right place.
As our service progressed, we had our normal time of praying for the sick in accordance to James 5, by anointing them with oil and laying hands on them. Tony decided to come down and get prayed for, and few minutes later his sins were being forgiven, he was DELIVERED from his crack addiction and God filled him with the Holy Ghost, evidenced by talking in tongues (Acts 2:1-4, 38). Jesus promised this Pentecostal experience in Luke 24, it came to pass in Acts 2 and it's still being poured out today to ANYONE who wants it!
Our church rallied behind Tony and we've been praying and fasting for him everyday. Tony testified that the devil had been telling him that God would not accept him back because of all of the things he'd done, but he found out that the devil was just lying because God DID accept him back!
Since his deliverance, we've met everyday doing Bible Studies and talking back and forth to keep him focused and on the right track. Tony got re-Baptized Wednesday night, April 30th, in the NAME of JESUS Chirst and all of his sins, his past was washed away! I remember him hugging me when he came out of the water and just kept saying, "It's GONE, it's GONE!"
(2 Corinthians 5:17/KJV) says, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."
Tony Cannon is a NEW man today and it's all because of the GRACE, MERCY, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, COMPASSION, WORD and POWER of God! If God can DELIVER a 28 year backslidden crack addict, HE CAN DELIVER YOU TOO!